Friday 3 June 2011

Team Roping

Team roping is one of my top favorite events of rodeo. This event is known as a mans sport professionally, but to high school competitors it goes for both genders. It is a team effort, so relying on your partner to catch is a must in this event. As my brother and I team rope together in the High school Rodeo Association I look towards my family for support but also to the professionals Cesar De La Cruz and Speed Williams. Cesar is the 14th best heeler in the world; qualifying for the National finals Rodeo five times and placing 10th overall in 2009.

Then there is Speed Williams an eight time world champion header with Rick Sheldon (heeler). Speed has qualified for the National finals Rodeo 14 times! 

 Even though he is a header and I am a heeler I still watch for his amazing reaches in team roping. As you can see in the picture above his reach is legendary! Having the clock not even start yet and throwing that much rope before being out of the box is an amazing skill!

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