Thursday 9 June 2011

Barrel Racing

Today is all about the barrel racing! Personally, I have been barrel racing since I was 3, it's been a great event in rodeo for young and old ladies. Growing up on a horse means I have been from a rodeo family my entire life. Rodeo is all i know when it comes to horses. Barrel Racing has a lot to do with breeding and speed in the horse. Brains is a little in the mix but you need to be crazy enough to want to ride a horse at top speed! Barrel Racing has been a long and bumpy ride for me. I was never really serious about it till I moved to Virden then when i started with high school rodeo I wasn't totally prepared for everything to happen so fast!
   When I started high school rodeo, i had so much bad luck with this event. After finally starting to click with my barrel horse scooter, I was so excited to start maybe winning some rodeos! After placing in the top 10 almost every rodeo; finals came. I was so extatic to maybe win my first buckle. As soon as I hopped on him to warm up he felt great, then it was 2 girls before me so I was making my tight little turns to get him a little more hot. As soon as i turned him once I felt it; a dead lame limp under me. He couldn't walk! I was so upset and shocked I couldn't even think about my barrel run, but i had to go. After that I couldn't use him, so I had to use Chex who didn't know much about was not to great. Then I had to barrel race chex and he wasn't having any of the barrels, he was more of a roping horse. after a year of trying to train chex into loving barrels I finally had enough! I went and bought a new barrel horse I really enjoy! We are really getting along and doing some good! So glad to have her!

Outside Article:

Following is a list of stallions that are playing an important role in the barrel horse industry. These stallions can be found in the pedigrees of our horses. You can navigate from the horses in this list to those Sunrise West horses with the particular stallion in their pedigree. From there you can reference other horses directly from the pedigree information provided.

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