Thursday 16 June 2011

Last Day

I am now saying goodbye to all of you who are listening! I hope you have enjoyed hearing about my rodeo experiences and learning all of the events that you can participate in, in high school rodeo. Since this is my last post I want to tell you that rodeo is a fun and thrilling experience for all! I have enjoyed the sport since I was probably 3 years old! I can tell you that I will still be competing in it for the rest of my life, or until i get to old to do so! Everyone who has and loves horses I encourage you to try anything that can be done in the rodeo arena! I will be out there making my rounds in the rodeo circuit, meeting people and possibly winning some events and rodeos along the way. I also beleive that rodeo, just like any sport can bring the competitiveness out of anyone; sometimes its a good thing and sometimes bad. But being more confient in yourself is a great thing, people always neeed to believe in themselves and sports such as rodeo tend to do just that! So thank you again for reading!

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